Predominately, I spent the summer answering questions from a very chatty seven year old. "Mommy, why does...." and "can I have a snack"
"I don't know" and "yes, you can have a banana"
I also had Jury Duty in July. Which was really expensive. You see, it was in downtown Seattle. Day one I realized I hadn't brought enough to read. So at lunch (2 hour break) I went into the downtown retail core and bought a couple of books and lunch.
Then, we were released at 2:00 for the day. Only guess what, the first bus back to my park and ride didn't leave until 3:30.
Day Two. July in the Pac NW can be chilly. And for some reason, the City of Seattle and County of King believe the Courthouse should have the air conditioning on. We were released at 11:00 for lunch. I was an ice cube. I hadn't dressed warm enough. Not even close. What's a frosty girl to do with a two hour lunch break? You guessed it...Downtown Seattle Nordstroms Flagship Store. Where I bought a sweater, a pair of shoes ( I had been wearing sandals) and SOCKS. And lunch.
We were released for the day at 1:00. (that would be right when we came back from lunch) No jurors were needed for the afternoon. Not once did I even get called to be questioned as a potential juror. Not once. I sat in the jury room the whole time. 1:00 pm, and the first bus back is ...3:30. Hmmm....what to do with all that time?
Following jury duty, ie - two day shopping spree - came the big ramp up for the trip to Romania. Which also included getting the rest of the family ready to go on a two week vacation to Northern California to visit my husbands family.
July 31, myself and three other women from my church boarded a plane and 20 some odd hours later, we were in Oradea, Romania. Where stuff like this happened
Worship in the Apuseni Mountains

And this
(don't ask....just a group of Christian women from the States blowing off a little steam)
And as so often happens after a trip like this, I spent the next two weeks getting up really early, napping and going to bed early. And processing everything that had happened.
It was at this point, I decided to abandon the blog until the kids went back to school.
So, here I am. Back and fired up and rearing to go !!