Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love, Love, Love....

I can't tell you how many songs are running through my head this Valentines Day.  Songs about love.  Yet, though I love my husband so so so so so much, and I still think he's really cute, and really wonderful, and really everything, today I find myself applying the love songs to my friends.

I've finally lived in one place for more than ten years.  This is a huge record for me.  Prior to this, from the time I was a young teenager, I've never lived anywhere for more than three years.

Now I live in a town where I always run into someone I know, pretty much wherever I go.  I have official "girlfriends." 

Girlfriends who rallied around me when my mom was diagnosed with cancer and when she died two months later.  They brought us meals, they sent encouraging notes, they took care of my little daughter, so I could be with mom.

Girlfriends who aren't afraid to get goofy.

Girlfriends who like coffee.

Girlfriends who work out, and don't bug me cause I really don't.

Girlfriends who are ok with eating the organic health food I have at our house.

Girlfriends who are gabby.

So, "To all the girls I've loved before....I'm glad you came along, I dedicate this song," to my girlfriends.

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