Sunday, February 26, 2012

Welcome Frankie Donut

Well, she’s not going to win any beauty contests, but she sure is sweet.  And good.  And sweet.  Did I mention she’s sweet.  We took her to the school bus stop Friday morning.  It wasn’t long before this little gal was holding court, surrounded by admirers.  Just goes to show you, how much little kids don’t care about looks.  (I did mention she wouldn’t win any beauty contests, didn’t I?) 

She’s a wire haired dachshund and Jack Russell terrier mix.  (not officially, mind you, she’s a rescue dog) Which makes her an unofficial “Jackshund.”   (not to be confused with the Jackalope”, which would be a North American folkloric cross between a jack rabbit and an antelope…though, admittedly, she is about the same size as a jack rabbit.  Ooh, I think we know what Frankie Donut will be for Halloween.  I just need to find a set of antlers to put on her !!)

The kids named her Frankie Donut.  Frankie, cause she’s part wiener dog, and Donut….well Donut, because they are kids.  I have dubbed her Frankie Shifu.  Cause she’s got this little goatee and Fu Manchu and looks a bit like Master Shifu from Kung Fu Panda.  And she’s got kind of a lopsided mouth.

But she sure is sweet.  And I’ll go so far as cute, particularly once you get to know her.  I mean who wouldn’t love a little dog that DOESN’T BARK, has a crookedy lopsided mouth, a goatee, and a Fu Manchu? 

And so, this past week has been spent keepin’ an eye on this four month old puppy, which has had me corralled in the kitchen, while I try to house break the sweet lil’ critter.  Oh, excuse me…I’m not supposed to say “house break,”  too negative, I’m supposed to say “house train.”  Today, we begin bell training.  The downside of having a quiet dog, is we don’t notice when she needs to go out, if we don’t have eyes on her, because she doesn’t make any noise.  At least the messes have been on the tile floor.  Clean up’s a breeze !! 

And she’s really sweet.  Which totally helps, while deploying the “Natures Miracle” enzymatic pet odor cleaner.  Hopefully, I won’t be buying this stuff by the gallon.  We already had to buy a crate, toys, bowls, a bed, poopy bags to attach to her leash, puppy food, and baby gate.  (In addition to the cost for the adoption)  Yikes !!  But totally worth it, cause she’s really sweet. 
Welcome home, Frankie Donut !!  Did I tell you she’s really sweet?

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